中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/8/2(水) T9-D3 What are the good and bad points of getting information on the Internet?

中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/8/2(水) T9-D3 What are the good and bad points of getting information on the Internet?
What are the good and bad points of getting information on the Internet? Day 3
2日目と3日目は、 ダイアログの登場人物たちの意見を理解しましょう。
イラストを見ながら、 今週のダイアログを聴いて、 Dad の考えを詳しくみていきましょう。
Q1. In Dad’s opinion, what should Mika do about her eyes?
Q2. If Mika agrees to see his eye doctor, what will Dad do for her?
Q3. What kind of advice have you received about using the Internet?

今週のトピックについて、 英語で話すために役立つフレーズとさまざまな言い換え例をご紹介します。
Topic: What are the good and bad points of getting information on the Internet?
There’s a lot of false information online.
Some information could be dangerous.
学んだフレーズを使って、 質問に答えてみましょう。
What are the bad points of getting information on the Internet?
-Open-ended Question
In your opinion, if many people say the same thing, does that mean it must be true? Why do you think so?

let… do
to make it possible for someone to do something
be careful
to be aware of the details or movement of a person or thing
a short and quick test
not correct
must be true
to be very likely or certain to be true
to change or affect how someone behaves or thinks
right away

Now, we’ll ask you some questions.
Here’s the first one: In Dad’s opinion, what should Mika do about her eyes?
In Dad’s opinion, what should Mika do about her eyes?
She should see an eye doctor.
Oh, good job.
Great job. Let’s listen to that part of the dialogue.
-from the Dialogue
According to my research, if I do exercises and eat the right things, I won’t need glasses.
You can’t trust everything on the Internet.
Dad, the net is fast and convenient, and you can get the latest information.
But there’s a lot of false information online, too. In my opinion, you need to see an eye doctor.

So, the question was: In Dad’s opinion, what should Mika do about her eyes? And the answer is: She should see an eye doctor.
She should see an eye doctor.
All right. Everyone, let’s try saying the answer like this:
Dad thinks that Mika should see an eye doctor.
Very nice. Dad thinks that Mika should go see a doctor instead of taking advice she reads online. Now, let’s move on to the next question. First, listen to this.
