中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/9/7(木) T11-D4 Tell us about yourself. What kind of person are you?

中学生の基礎英語 in English 23/9/7(木) T11-D4 Tell us about yourself. What kind of person are you?
-Chat with the Guest
What did he say?
-Today’s guest
Jae Leung
Q1. What did Jae like most about Japan during his school trip to Japan?
Q2. What surprised Jae the most in Japan?
-Guest’s Thoughts
Q1. What kind of person is Jae?
Q2. In Jae’s opinion, what is a good point about the night?
Q3. Why doesn’t Jae like to wake up early in the morning?
-Hannah’s Thoughts
Q1. What kind of person is Hannah?
Q2. How does Hannah feel when she is around trees?
Q3. Where are Hannah’s favorite trees?

the place where an event or meeting happens
to meet someone or something, especially unexpectedly rubbish processing the treatment of rubbish or garbage after collecting it
rubbish bin
the treatment of rubbish or garbage after collecting it
rubbish separation
a set of rules that people follow for dividing their trash into different groups
to interrupt, to disturb
a large area where trees grow close together; the woods
be around
to be near
the land which is away from large towns and cities; the rural area
to be around something
childhood t
he time when someone is a child
Oh, my God!
used to show how surprised, angry, shocked you are

-Chat with the Guest
♪ Topic 11: Tell us about yourself. What kind of person are you? Day 4.
All right, then. Let’s start by having a chat with Jae. Jae, last time, you told us about your school trip to Japan. Please tell us more.
Sure. During the school trip to Japan, I was with the teachers and my classmates, but I had an uncle who lives in Japan. And he took care of me for a few more extra days. I was staying at his place.
That’s very nice.
And my reason was because a Japanese band was holding a concert which I really wanted to watch.
A live performance?
A live performance.
So, you took your chance.
I took my chance, and it was also my first ever concert by myself.
You went by yourself?
The uncle took me to the venue. Then I went into the concert venue by myself.
I see.
Jae, what did you like most about Japan?
When I was on my school trip?
I guess what I liked most was that all the Japanese people that I encountered during the trip were very nice and polite and very helpful. When I wanted to buy something or have(had) some questions, the shop staff tries(→tried) very hard to explain to me their products.
Yes. That’s a good part of Japanese culture, I think.
Yes. What surprised you the most in Japan?
I guess I was very surprised that the rubbish processing –
The trash?
es was very well-organized. Because back in Singapore at that time — we’re talking about over 20 years ago – there wasn’t recycling and rubbish separation. Everything was piled into a plastic bag, and we just threw the rubbish with everything inside.
But 20 years ago in Japan, the rubbish separation was already very well-organized. So, without knowing it, I actually threw a can of drinks into the normal rubbish bin.
Oh, no!
And, well, I was told by the staff very politely that I should throw it into the recycling trash can instead.
And that was a big surprise because Singapore was also a very advanced country at that time, but this was not introduced in Singapore. So, yeah, that was something very new to me and a very big surprise.
