ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 23/11/7(火) 関連記事-クマによる人的被害 過去最悪に

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 23/11/7(火) 関連記事-クマによる人的被害 過去最悪に

1). Bear attacks on the rise across Japan
Friday, Oct. 20, 1:04

More and more people in Japan are being attacked by bears. Two were mauled Thursday in the northeastern prefecture of Iwate. One was found dead. Over 150 attacks on people have happened since April.
The most incidents have been reported in Akita Prefecture, also in the northeast.
Five people were attacked Thursday in an urban area.
A man was mauled in the face and taken to hospital.
A high-school girl was bitten on the arm while she was waiting at a bus stop. The five victims also include an 83-year-old woman who suffered a broken arm and hip.
NHK found at least 152 people have been hurt by bears since April.
Attacks have been reported in 17 of Japan’s 47 prefectures. And the number is rising faster than ever.
Some bears were filmed Thursday in a chestnut orchard in the city of Akita. They appear to be a family.
A chestnut farmer says bears eat his produce and cause serious damage. He’s worried about his harvest. He said, “I’m not exactly sure yet, but it could fall by half.”
Products to keep bears away are selling like hotcakes.
Staff at a store in the city of Toyama say sales of items such as bells, whistles and portable radios are more than five times what they were last year.
A member of a Toyama prefectural government taskforce says bears are increasingly coming down to lowland areas because of a shortage of food such as beechnuts.
The central and local governments are urging people to be extra careful as bears tend to do more damage at this time of year before they hibernate.


urban area 市街地
victim 犠牲者
include 含む
film 写真に撮る
chestnut クリ
harvest 収穫
keep – away 近づけない
hibernate 冬眠する

(日本でもクマに襲われる人が増えています。 木曜日、岩手県北東部で2人が襲われた。 1人が死亡しているのが発見された。 4月以来、150件を超える人への攻撃が発生している。
バス停で待っていた女子高生が腕を噛まれた。 5人の犠牲者には、腕と腰を骨折した83歳の女性も含まれている。
日本の47都道府県のうち17都道府県で襲撃事件が報告されている。 そしてその数はかつてないほど急速に増加しています。
木曜日、秋田市の栗園で数頭のクマが撮影された。 彼らは家族のようです。
栗農家は、クマが農作物を食べて深刻な被害をもたらしていると語った。 彼は収穫が心配だ。 同氏は「まだ正確には分からないが、半分に減る可能性はある」と語った。

2). Bear attacks on people on the increase in Japan
Wednesday Nov. 1, 2023

On Wednesday Japan’s Environment Ministry says, across the country, 180 people were attacked by bears, five fatally, between April and October this year.
This is the worst number ever since the Japanese government began taking statistics.
The Tohoku region accounts for around 70 percent of the total.
Why have bear attacks increased?
Akaza Hisaaki is an expert on the ecology of bears and points out that bears feed on beech trees in the mountains. But he says the trees are in short supply this year, and bears may come closer to where humans live to look for food.
Another expert says there is an additional reason.
It is the phenomenon dubbed the “urban bear.” These bears are born and raised in the mountains but are more likely than before to appear in urban areas.
A video taken by Professor Miguchi Hideo of Niigata University’s Faculty of Agriculture in 2015 shows a bear reacting to the sound of a car, and remaining on alert.
A bear filmed this year shows no signs of caution around human activity.
But a video taken at the same place this year shows that a bear in a similar situation did not show any signs of caution.
Miguchi Hideo, Professor at Niigata University’s Faculty of Agriculture.
He says the bear has already become accustomed to human life and the sounds that come from human activity.
He also says that the number of “urban bears” is increasing.
Measures against bears
A national park in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture, has installed AI-linked cameras at 30 locations to detect animals and automatically take pictures.
Cameras installed in national park in Nagaoka city.
When the AI program identifies a bear in the image, it sends an email to staff.
An official says the cameras help enforce safety measures, such as chasing away bears and restricting people’s access to the park when bears are sighted.
And in Asahikawa City in Hokkaido, northern Japan, officials are analyzing the DNA of fur and droppings left at the sites of bear sightings at four corn fields.
The analysis found that the corn had been devoured by a single male bear who had traveled a large distance from an area where many bears are believed to live.
Document summarizing the results of DNA analysis.
The city wants to accumulate data, including on the gender and behavioral history of the bears, and take effective measures by predicting their activity.
A city official says he wants to find out the behavior patterns of the bears that cause problems.
He also said that he wants to identify the routes through which bears approach urban areas and stop them entering locations where humans live and work.
Japanese government will send experts on bears across the country
Japanese government holds emergency meeting on Tuesday.
The Ministry of the Environment, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and other relevant ministries held an emergency meeting on Tuesday to discuss the worst damage on record caused by bears.
The Environment Ministry says maximum caution is needed until December, when bears hibernate.
It also says that it will send university professors and other experts registered with a government data bank to local governments to give advice and guidance on how to deal with bears.
After listening to the advice of experts and the needs of local governments, the Environment Ministry plans to subsidize necessary measures.


fatally 死に至るほどに
taking statistic(s) 統計を取る
account for ~の割合を占める
ecology 生態学
feed on -, ~を餌にする、~を常食とする
be in short 不足している
phenomenon 現象
dub 〔人をニックネームで〕呼ぶ
analysis 分析
predicti 予測する
subsidize 政府が私企業や団体に〕助成金[補助金・奨励金]を払う
[US] sʌ́bsədàiz | [UK] sʌ́bsidàiz、

赤座久明さんはクマの生態に詳しい専門家で、クマは山のブナの木を餌にしていると指摘する。 しかし、今年は木が不足しており、クマが餌を求めて人間の住む場所に近づく可能性があると同氏は言う。
それは「アーバンベア」と呼ばれる現象だ。 これらのクマは山で生まれ育ちますが、以前よりも都市部に出没する可能性が高まっています。
AI プログラムが画像内のクマを識別すると、スタッフにメールを送信します。
