ラジオ英会話 23/6/14 L48 発言タイプ:すすめる ③ 参加をすすめる

ラジオ英会話 23/6/14 L48 発言タイプ:すすめる ③ 参加をすすめる
(I will definitely impress everyone. A special that only I can do.)
(Sensei’s special, it’s not a seafood paella.)
Hey everyone. Akino Roza here.
And I’m David Evans. We’ve got a lot on the menu for today, so let’s jump ride in.

Would you like to join us?
相手に参加をすすめる表現を学びましょう。 こうした状況、日常頻繁にありますよね。
(Learn expressions to encourage others to participate. Situations like this happen every day.9
(Roxy is at Big West Coffee with her friend Masaru. It looks like a popular restaurant.)

-Words & Phrases
Oh well. 納得して)いやはや。 / それはそれでいい。
remind 思い出させる
specialty 得意料理

Okay, Roza. What’s on the menu for today’s typical expressions?
Well, today’s special is practice.
All right! Okay, everyone. Here we go!
I’d like to invite you to dinner.
I’d like to invite you to my birthday party.
How about going to karaoke after this?
Let’s continue.
I’m planning a potluck dinner. Why don’t you come over?
Let’s try that one more time.
I’m planning a potluck dinner. Why don’t you come over?
Now let’s try some different styles of invitation. Here we go.
We’re playing rugby next week. Do you want to join us?
Do you wanna join us?
Want to join us?
Wanna join us?
