ラジオ英会話 23/6/23 L55 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 23/6/23 L55 今週の Review
Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza. Thanks for joining us on this Friday’s review.
And I’m David Evans. Wow, it’s Friday already. OK guys, let’s get to it.
-今週のReview. Listening Challenge!
ダイアログを聞いて質問に答えよう(Listen to dialogue and answer questions)
(During the broadcast, an English question and three choices will be played on the content of this week’s dialogue. )
ダイアログと質問、選択肢を聞き取って、 答えてみましょう。
(Listen to the dialogs, questions and choices and try to answer them.)

OK guys, here is the question. Q1). What does Akira want to do?
a). Meet Zaytox.
b). Go back to earth.
c). Find a new place to stay.
Here we go.

-Say It in English
英語で声に出して表現しよう (Express yourself aloud in English)
1). あなたの息子は受験生。 でも毎日膨大な時間をソーシャルメディアに費やしています。入試ももうすぐ。 部屋にいる彼に勉強するよう話しましょう。(Your son is a student. But I spend an enormous amount of time on social media every day. Entrance exam coming soon. Let’s talk to him in the room to study.)

2). 友人が初めてのパソコンを選びに秋葉原に行くそうです。 不安そうな友人につき添いを申し出てください。
(A friend of mine is going to Akihabara to buy his first computer. Please offer to accompany your anxious friend.)

I am happy to -. 「喜んで~します」
help + 人+動詞原形」で「人が~するのを助ける」
free 「時間がある」
まず相手に選択肢を与え、Take your pick. (選んで)

By the way, the word “afternoon” can sometimes include 夕方, but if you want to say 夕方 specifically, you should say “evening”.
