ラジオ英会話 23/6/7 L43 発言タイプ:提案する ③ フォーマルな提案・強い提案

ラジオ英会話 23/6/7 L43 発言タイプ:提案する ③ フォーマルな提案・強い提案
(Tips series for living happily. I love instant ramen. And a word of advice to all of you. If you get stuck in making instant noodles, thoroughly, okay? It’s a good idea to thoroughly add a lot of bean sprouts. There are things you can see.)
What do you see?
I can see a mountain of bean sprouts

Hey everyone. Akino Roza here. Ready for today’s lesson? Let’s go.
And I’m David Evans. Let’s see what sprouts up today.

I propose that you stay here with us in our lab.
(“Proposals” can be formal or strong. Occasionally, you may also need such representations.)

(Alien Zaytox is meeting with a group of scientists studying extraterrestrial life.)

-Words & Phrases
probably おそらく
Hey, guys. How do you pronounce “probably [pɹɑbəˌbɫi]” ?
Well, in a casual setting, I would say, [pɹɑbɫi].
Mmm. How about you, David?
If I’m speaking at a natural speed, I’d say [prάli].
vegan (完全な) 菜食主義の
humanity (集合的に)人類
lab 研究所(= laboratory)
serve (食事などを) 提供する
