ラジオ英会話 23/7/21(金) L75 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 23/7/21(金) L75 今週の Review
Hey everyone. Welcome back to Friday’s lesson. Akino Roza here.
And I’m David Evans. Let’s enjoy the review this week, OK?

-Listening Challenge!
放送では、今週のダイアログの内容について英語の質問と3つの選択肢が流れます。 ダイアログと質問、選択肢を聞き取って、 答えてみましょう。
(Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
During the broadcast, an English question and three choices will be played on the content of this week’s dialogue. Listen to the dialogs, questions and choices and try to answer them.)

OK guys, here is the question. Q1). What did the woman ask the man to do?
a). Keep his voice down.
b). Leave the restaurant.
c). Have a sheet outside.
Here we go.

-Say It in English 英語で声に出して表現しよう
1 イヌを連れたカップルがレストランに入ろうとしているのを見たあなた。でもそのレストランはペット同伴不可。注意してください。 (You saw a couple with a dog about to enter a restaurant. However, the restaurant does not allow pets. be careful.)

2 最近あなたに急接近してきた不動産営業のバーバラから、飲みに誘われます。どうやら物件を買ってもらいたい様子。営業はお断りだと伝えてください。
(Barbara, a real estate agent, has recently approached you and invites you out for a drink. It looks like they want you to buy the property. Please tell them you are not allowed to do business.)

Hey, Roza. Are pet-friendly restaurants common in the U.S.?
Yeah. You can find them here and there. But personally I see more pet-friendly restaurants here in Japan. What do you think, David?
