ラジオ英会話23/7/26(水)L78発言タイプ: 依頼 ④依頼を成功に導く流れ2報酬の提示

ラジオ英会話23/7/26(水)L78発言タイプ: 依頼 ④依頼を成功に導く流れ2報酬の提示

(The other day I went to the gym in a fancy dress, and the receptionist looked at me with a “Huh? I said, “Hey, hey, didn’t you just think that this person is not losing any weight, but only her clothes are getting more flashy? I said, “You’re right.)

うーん、図星は分かんないけど、梅干しなら好きだね。(Hmm, I don’t know the word zuhoshi, but I like umeboshi)
Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza.
And I’m David Evans. At least he goes to the gym, right? OK, let’s get started.

Would you set it up for me, please? I’ll owe you one.
(Let’s take up another trick to increase the success rate of “requests”. “Reward offer”.)
ヘレンとギャリーが大学の寮で話しています。 本棚を組み立てようとしているようですね。
(Helen and Garry are talking in their college dorm. It sounds like you’re trying to build a bookshelf.)

-Words & Phrases
put together (ばらばらな部品を) 組み立てる
set -up ~を組み立てる
You got it.
