英会話 time trial 23/4/14 d10 タクシーに乗って運転手さんとおしゃべり

英会話 time trial 23/4/14 d10 タクシーに乗って運転手さんとおしゃべり
Around the world
we’re on the move.
Speak up every week,
and you’ll improve.
You can talk to me.
We can laugh and smile.
Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with Day 10 for the month of April.
Guten Morgen.(グーテン・モルゲン) My name is Janni Olsson.
I will be navigating you around Sweden.
A warm welcome to -. Which part of Sweden are you from?
I’m from the second largest city in Sweden.
The second largest city.
I know the capital is Stockholm.
And the second largest city is …
Oh, I see. How do you say Gothenburg. in Swedish?
Goteborg. (スウェーデン語 Goteborg is Swedish.)
Oh, I’ve heard that in Japanese. How do you say it in Japanese.
There are two different ways to say it, but the mosst common one is ヨーテボリ
Oh, I see. That’s your hometown.
And most people in Sweden can speak English very well like you.
Yes. Most people in Sweden are actually bilingual.
Let’s go.
対話カラオケ across the globe
That’s right. Let’s go to Stockholm together virtually.
スウェーデンに到着したあなたは、 滞在先のアパートに向かいます。
目的の住所に向かうため、 タクシーを利用することにしました。
(When you arrive in Sweden, head to your apartment.
I decided to take a taxi to reach my destination.
After telling the driver where you’re going, let’s talk about Sweden.)

Imagine this.
You have arrived in Stockholm. And you’re going to your apartment by taxi.
I’ll be your taxi driver. So tell me where you are going.
Then we will have a chat in the taxi about Sweden.
So try to have a 7-turn conversation with me.
You’re in Sweden. Start!
