英会話 time trial 23/7/21 D15 時計の博物館を見学する

英会話 time trial 23/7/21 D15 時計の博物館を見学する
Check out a Swiss Watch Museum

Around the world
we’re on the move.
Speak up every week,
and you’ll improve.
You can talk to me.
We can laugh and smile.
Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with Day 15 for the month of July. Hi, everyone. I’m Steve Soresi.
And I’m Yanni Olsen. I’m happy to meet you all again.
Let’s finish up our virtual journey around Switzerland with this.
-Across The Globe!
Yeah, I’ll miss you guys.
We’ll miss you too.
Let’s have some fun everyone.
Your final stop in Switzerland will be at a special museum.
Imagine this.
(I came to a museum that houses a lot of clocks. I will answer a quiz about clocks while visiting the museum.
Discover the history of the Swiss watch industry)

You’ll go to a Swiss Watch Museum.
I’ll work at the museum. I’ll give you a private tour, and show you antique clocks and watches.
On your tour of the museum I’ll have a quiz for you.
Did you imagine today’s situation.
So try to have a seven-turn conversation with me. I’ll give you a private tour of the clock and watch museum.
Are you ready? Start.

1. Welcome to the Swiss Clock and Watch Museum. Are you ready for your private tour?

2. This is the oldest clock in the museum. Here’s a question for you! How old is this clock?
