英会話 time trial 23/8/25(金) D15 ホストファミリーへのお近づきのしるし

英会話 time trial 23/8/25(金) D15 ホストファミリーへのお近づきのしるし
Around the world
we’re on the move.
Speak up every week,
and you’ll improve.
You can talk to me.
We can laugh and smile.
Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with Day 14 for the month of August.
Thanks for joining us.
Today let’s finish up our journey around Oklahoma USA with this.
Across The Globe!
For this season of time trial we’re going around the globe.
Virtually. And we are practicing English conversations.
And our navigator for Oklahoma is Jenny.
That’s right. You’re doing a homestay at our family farm.
So today’s virtual homestay is special. You have a souvenir from Japan.
All right. The first step is to use your imagination.
Imagine this.
Your host family that’s including me, are all relaxing in the living room.
Oh, and you have a souvenir for us. Thank you so much.
日本から持って来たお土産を渡しましょう。(You are going to hand over the souvenirs we brought from Japan.)
What kind of souvenir is it?
どんなお土産なのか英語で説明したください。(Please explain in English what kind of souvenir it is.)
So can you imagine today’s situation?
You practiced some technique and phrases this week. Use those phrases, but do it in your own way, and complete the conversation.
You can do it.
Read, start.

(Let’s imagine.
The host family is relaxing in the living room.
Let’s go hand over the souvenirs we brought from Japan.
Briefly explain in English what kind of souvenir you want.)

1. Well, good evening.
2. Oh… Fido, get off the recliner.
