23/11/11 kota_English – このアメリカ人百獣の王に勝てそうな人おる

23/11/11 kota_English – このアメリカ人百獣の王に勝てそうな人おる

Excuse me, from Japan.
Yeah, we’re from Japan.
Actually where are you from?
I’m from out here, where I live, uh
I live about 30 minutes away.
What do you do for living?
I do a few things. I’m an athlete.
I teach. I coach. Yeah.
What kond of coach?
Uh, athletics coach, wrestling
That’s cool! Have you taught about, like sports things to Japanese people?
I’ve never coached Japanese peopl, but I’ve trained with and fought alongside people who from Japan.
What’s wrong, bro?
Excuse me, from Japan. Yeah.
Very respectful. Very kind. Very honorable.
Oh, yeah.

bro よお◆親しい間柄での呼びかけとして用いられる。
respectful 尊敬の念を持った
respect + ful
honorable 〔人や行いが〕高潔な、立派な
honor + able
