23/11/21 kota_English – 日本人と会うたびに〇〇されるらしいwww

23/11/21 kota_English – 日本人と会うたびに〇〇されるらしいwww

Have you met Japanese people?
Excuse me, guys. Actually I’m from Japan. You’re living here?
Yeah. Yeah.
That’s why you guys cool, right?
Yeah, we’re sick.
A lot of Japanese people are adoring you guys.
Have you met Japanese people before?
Yeah. Actually so. I travel on container ships, so I go to like, Yokohama, and Naha a lot.
But I really, like everyone always wants to, like, practice their English with us.
which is really cool.
I like it.
Like, Japanese people are really nice.
Oh, really?
And I feel like Japanese people really like, like, south California culture.
Yeah, they like the surf culture.
You guys feel like an island people, like
And you like, that surf culture?
Not a lot of people are kind of, like, open minded.
Same as like you guys.

adore ~に〕憧れる、〔~を〕熱愛する、崇拝する
container sip コンテナ船
open-minded 心の広い、頭が柔らかい、偏見のない、受け入れやすい、
