23/11/21 Rachel English – English Phrase “Talk Something 🆙”

23/11/21 Rachel English – English Phrase “Talk Something 🆙”

Let’s study the phrasal verb, “Talking something up.”
We’re on our way to try what we’ve heard are some of the best donuts in the world.
So Tara just said,
she hoped she wasn’t talking them up to much
because we’ve been wanting to come here for three years.
And sometimes when you talk something up too much.
then you get letdown,
because you blew it up in your head into something more than it could ever be.
Talking something up.
A phrase of verb.
When you talk something up, you talk about how great it is.
These donuts are the best donuts you’ll ever have,
people come from all over the state for these donuts.
Think about something you’ve head great things about,
a movie,
a restaurant,
a place to work.
Got it?
Now make a sentence with it.
I’ll do one.
The critics really talked up Parasite,
but I never saw it.

pharsal verb 《文法》句動詞
on one’s way to -, 〜行く途中
talk up 〔人・物を〕好意的に語る、盛んに褒める、宣伝する
letdown = let down がっかりさせること、失望、期待外れ
get letdown がっかりする
Got it? わかりましたか?
critic(s) 〔書籍・映画・演劇・音楽会などの〕批評家、評論家
