How do you pronounce quiche?

How do you pronounce quiche?

Oh, excuse me. Can I have a quickie?

It’s pronounced quiche.

quickie [kwíki]
quiche [kíːʃ]

Part of Speech: Noun
Pronunciation: /kiːʃ/
Definition: A savory pie filled with a mixture of eggs, cream, and various ingredients such as cheese, vegetables, or meat, baked in a pastry crust.

Usage in Context:
Simple Statement:
“I made a spinach and mushroom quiche for breakfast.”
“Do you want a slice of quiche Lorraine?”
Party Food:
“Mini quiches are perfect appetizers for a party.”
Popular Varieties:
Quiche Lorraine: Contains bacon and cheese.
Vegetarian Quiche: Includes vegetables like spinach, mushrooms, or broccoli.
Seafood Quiche: Filled with ingredients like crab, shrimp, or salmon.
Key Points:
Origin: The word “quiche” comes from the German word kuchen, meaning “cake.” It became popular in French cuisine.
Culinary Use: A versatile dish served hot or cold, suitable for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even as a snack.

quiche /kiːʃ/ キッシュ(卵、クリーム、チーズなどを詰めたパイ料理)
savory pie /ˈseɪvəri ˌpaɪ/ 塩味のパイ
pastry crust /ˈpeɪstri ˌkrʌst/ ペストリー生地
Quiche Lorraine /kiːʃ ləˈreɪn/ ロレーヌ風キッシュ(ベーコンとチーズ入り)
Vegetarian Quiche /ˌvɛdʒɪˈteəriən kiːʃ/ ベジタリアンキッシュ(野菜入り)
Seafood Quiche /ˈsiːfuːd kiːʃ/ シーフードキッシュ(魚介類入り)
slice of quiche /slaɪs əv kiːʃ/ キッシュの一切れ
mini quiches /ˈmɪni kiːʃɪz/ ミニキッシュ
breakfast /ˈbrɛkfəst/ 朝食
party appetizers /ˈpɑːrti ˈæpɪtaɪzəz/ パーティー用の前菜
German word “kuchen” /ˈkjuːkən/ ドイツ語の「クーヘン」(ケーキ)
French cuisine /frɛnʃ kwɪˈziːn/ フランス料理
hot or cold /hɒt ɔːr kəʊld/ 温かくても冷たくても
versatile dish /ˈvɜːrsətl dɪʃ/ 多用途の料理
