24/1/20 Rachel English – ENGLISH CONVERSATION PRACTICE: Make a Party Out of It 🥳

24/1/20 Rachel English – ENGLISH CONVERSATION PRACTICE: Make a Party Out of It 🥳

Let’s practice English conversation.
Oh, man! It’s supposed to rain all this weekend.
We’re going to try to go hiking for my birthday.
I didn’t know it was your birthday.
Actually, my sister and I are going blowing on Saturday.
Do you wanna come?
We can make a little party of it.
Yeah, actually, that sounds fun.
Well, this is a little silver lining to the rain.
‘A silver lining’ is when something good comes out of a larger nagative situation.

bummer やだなあ! まいった。
a bummer
informal a situation that is disappointing or annoying
a rude word for something that is very annoying or not convenient:

silver lining (比喩)希望の兆し
every cloud has a silver lining
used to say that there is something good even in a situation that seems very sad or difficult
