23/9/16 This is 英会アメリカ人はカフェでどんな英語を使ってる?

23/9/16 This is 英会アメリカ人はカフェでどんな英語を使ってる?

Hi, I’m Mike. I’m a barista at Caffe Ladro.
There’s 16 locations in the greater Seattle area.
We’ve been here for about 20 years and would love to see if you’re ever in the city.

What can w get for you?
Um, I’ll go for a chai tea and a croissant.
Okay What size chai tea did you want?
I’ll go for a tall. And for the croissant, can you warm it?
We can.
Anything else for you?
I think that’ll do it.
$4, please.
And I’m in a hurry. Could you wrap that up for me?
I can definitely do that.
We’ll call you when it’s ready.
Thank you.
Hey, so I’d like to go see a musical.
Do you know of anything happening around town?
I think the Little Mermaid’s playing at the Fifth Avenue Theater.
Oh, the Fifth Ave.
And is that downtown, I assume?
It is, yeah.
Okay. Is that very far away?
No, about 20 minutes.
OK. Great. Thanks.
Thank you.
