会話 feel English 23/7/12 L55 would have been.

会話 feel English 23/7/12 L55 would have been.
さあ、 would could などの助動詞と完了形の最難関フレーズ。 覚悟しなさい!
1). 残念な気持ちを表現したいときの
would have been …
Paul and Emily are chatting on the phone one Friday. And he has a favor to ask her.
金曜日、ポールとエミリーが電話しています。 ポールはエミリーに頼み事があるようです。
(Paul and Emily are calling on Friday. It seems that Paul has something to ask Emily.)

Pretty please? お願い! (子どもが使うことが多い)
used for asking someone for something or persuading them to do something by trying to make yourself sound friendly
You owe me. あなたは私に借りがある。

All weekend? I have plans …
I’m so sorry. I have to travel for work.
It would have been nice to know about this sooner.

ポールが、 週末出張するのでペットの面倒を見てほしいとエミリーに頼みます。 (Paul is away for the weekend and asks Emily to take care of his pet.)
いろいろ予定があったエミリーは、 「急に言われても。 もっと早くそのことがわかっていたら計画も立てられたのに」といった、ちょっぴり残念なキモチで言っています。
(Paul is away for the weekend and asks Emily to take care of his pet. Emily, who had a lot of plans, said with a slightly disappointing feeling, “Even if you told me so suddenly. If I had known about it earlier, I could have planned it.”)

would have been + ポジティブな言葉 nice、fun、awesome

2). 「ふー。〜になるところだった」と安堵の気持ちを伝えたいときの would have been …
Emily and Thelma are in the living room chatting about Olivia.
(Emily and Thelma are chatting in the living room.)

on time
organized きちんとした、しっかりした

Did you know that Olivia and Greg almost dated?
Really? That would have been a disaster.


オリビアとグレッグがつきあう寸前だったと聞いたテルマ。 オリビアは時間厳守ですが、 グレッグはいつも遅刻するので、2人がつきあってたら大変なこと (disaster) になる、 でもそうならなくてよかった、という安堵のキモチで言っています。
(Thelma hears that Olivia and Greg were on the verge of dating. Olivia is punctual, but Greg is always late, so it would be a disaster if they were dating, but he’s glad it didn’t.)
