基礎英語2 23/10/4(水) Oct. W1-D3 Debate

基礎英語2 23/10/5(木) Oct. W1-D4 Debate
Hello, everyone. I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
Let’s get started.

October Week 1 – Debate Day 4
(The exchange between the three, which I thought had subsided, is still going on.)
First Listen
Listen to today’s conversation for the main point.
Q). レオはなぜ練習量にこだわっているのでしょうか?
(Why is Leo so particular about the amount of practice?)

-Words & Phrases
enough 十分に
get motivated
cause 〜を引き起こす
in addition to -, 〜に加えて (→p.32 Day5 Today’s Word)
first period 1時間目

-Second Listen
Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions in English.
1 Does Haruna think the basketball team will cause problems if they try to practice when other teams do?
2 What does Haruna think the basketball team should do?

1 Yes, she does.
2 She thinks they should practice before the first period begins, too.
(陽菜は、 バスケットボール部は1時間目が始まる前にも練習すればいいと考えています。)

-Repeating Practice
Listen carefully and repeat.
Okay, listeners. Are you ready?
