基礎英語2 23/6/16 L50 W2-D5 Shopping in Harajuku

基礎英語2 23/6/16 L50 W2-D5 Shopping in Harajuku
Hello, everyone. I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
Let’s get started.

June Week 2 – Shopping in Harajuku Day5
Weekly Goal ・アドバイスができるようになる今月のできるようになること
Weekly Conversation
Listen to this week’s conversations and answer the following questions in English.
1 Who is Jenny buying a present for?
2 How much does Jenny want to spend on her friend’s birthday present?

-Answers to the questions
Weekly Conversation
1 (Jenny is buying a present) For her friend in Singapore. (シンガポールの友達に)
2 She wants to spend about 1,000 yen. (1,000円くらい)

-First Read-through
Read Jenny’s diary for the main points.
ジェニーが書いた日記です。 主なポイントをつかみましょう。
1 Why did Jenny feel bad for Haruna?
feel bad 申し訳ないと思う
2 Did Jenny enjoy shopping in Harajuku?

-Words & Phrases
took (take)
overslept (oversleep)
along the way 途中で , on the way
trip 出かけること、外出
