ラジオ英会話 23/9/22(金) L115 今週の Review

ラジオ英会話 23/9/25(月) L116 発言タイプ: 新しいものの見方・考え方 ① 視覚系動詞を使う
Actually, I fell asleep twice today, and I almost ended up being late. Sorry for losing sleep.
Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza.
And I’m David Evans. Oh, I’m drowning all these puns.
Look at it this way.
アンドロイドのジーニーがフランク・N・スタイン博士と話をしています。 フランキーと自分の違いについてのようですね。
(The android Genie is talking to Dr. Frank N. Stein. Sounds like it’s about the differences between Frankie and yourself.)

-Words & Phrases
like a robot
like that
guess 〜と推測する
be bored
with fresh eyes 新たな視点で

OK everyone. It’s time to practice. Today’s practice examples have different rhythms. Try to see if you can notice the differences between them.
All right. Let’s dig right in. Here is our first.
Look at this issue with fresh eyes.
Look at your relationship with fresh eyes.
Look at your job with fresh eyes.
Look at the task with fresh eyes.
Let’s continue.
Try to see it from another point of view.
