ラジオ英会話 23/6/13 L47 responses when offered food

ラジオ英会話 23/6/13 L47 responses when offered food

食べ物をすすめられたときの最も汎用性の高い 「受け」 は、
Yes, please. (はい、お願いします)
No, thank you. (いえ、結構です)。
Everything’s so delicious, but I’m full. (みんなとてもおいしいのですが、おなかがいっぱいなのです)

ここでNGなのが I’ve had enough.
直訳は「もう十分です」 ですが、「もうたくさん、もううんざり、いいかげんにして」というニュアンスのフレーズ。

Please tell me responses when offered food.
Certainly! Here are some responses you can use when offered food:

“Thank you so much! That looks delicious.”
“Wow, that’s very kind of you. I’d love to try it.”
“Oh, how thoughtful! I can’t wait to dig in.”
“That’s so generous of you. I really appreciate it.”
“Mmm, it smells amazing. I’d be delighted to have some.”
“Thank you for thinking of me. I’d be more than happy to accept.”
“Oh, you shouldn’t have! But since you did, I’ll gladly indulge.”
“I’m feeling hungry, so that’s perfect timing. Thank you!”
“I’ve heard great things about your cooking. I’d love to taste it.”
“I’m always up for trying new flavors. Count me in!”
Remember to tailor your response to the specific situation and the person offering the food. It’s important to express your gratitude and appreciation while accepting their gesture.

そうです! 食べ物を勧められたときに使える反応をいくつか紹介します。

特定の状況や食べ物を提供する人に合わせて対応することを忘れないでください。 彼らのしぐさを受け入れながら、感謝の気持ちを伝えることが重要です。

What is the expression for refusing?

When refusing food, it’s important to be polite and considerate. Here are some expressions you can use:

“Thank you so much for the offer, but I’m actually full at the moment.”
“I really appreciate it, but I’ve already eaten recently.”
“That looks delicious, but I have some dietary restrictions that prevent me from eating it.”
“I’m trying to watch my calorie intake, so I’ll have to pass this time.”
“I’m allergic to [specific ingredient], so I better not take any chances.”
“Thanks for thinking of me, but I’m not in the mood for [specific food] right now.”
“I’ve had a big meal earlier, so I’ll have to decline.”
“I’m sorry, I’m not a fan of [specific food].”
“I appreciate the offer, but I’m trying to stick to my meal plan for the day.”
“I’m really trying to avoid [specific food] for personal reasons, but thank you for offering.”
Remember, it’s important to politely decline while expressing your gratitude for their offer. People understand that personal preferences, dietary restrictions, or health concerns may lead to refusal, so it’s best to be honest and respectful in your response.

食べ物を拒否するときは、礼儀正しく思いやりを持って行うことが重要です。 使用できる表現をいくつか示します。

オファーに対して感謝の気持ちを表明しながら、丁寧に断ることが重要であることを覚えておいてください。 個人的な好み、食事制限、健康上の懸念が拒否につながる可能性があることを人々は理解しているため、正直かつ敬意を持って対応することが最善です。
