英会話 time trial 23/4/17 D11 ありがとうございます! これは何ですか?

英会話 time trial 23/4/17 D11 ありがとうございます! これは何ですか?
Let’s get started with Day 11 for the month of April.
Thanks for joining us.
Welcome to a new week of -.
New Places, New Faces

Hi, everyone. I’m Janni Olsson. Your special navigator to Sweden. This week on Friday we will enjoy Swedish cookies, and meet new people in Sweden.
Thanks, Janni.
Thank you. だけで終わらず、一言を付け足すことが大切です。
(This time, the expression when giving a present. And learn the technique of thanking them pleasantly when you receive them.
It’s important to add a word, not just “Thank you.”)

-Let’s begin with our first time trial.
2. 気に入ってくれるといいのですが。
I hope -.
Thank you. + ( ).
3. ありがとうございます! とてもおいしそうです。
9. 包装紙を預かりますね。
the wrapping

OK. How was your first round. Did you try to say each phrase?
So now you can check your answers with mine. Listen closely.

10. あ、すみません。 助かります。
親切をしてもらって、I’m sorry. ではなく、 Thank you.
I appreciate it.
11. いえいえ。
お礼に対して、いえいえ」は、 Sure. No problem. Don’t mention it.
