英会話 time trial 23/7/18 D12 3年前は全く英語を話せませんでした

英会話 time trial 23/7/18 D12 3年前は全く英語を話せませんでした
Around the world
we’re on the move.
Speak up every week,
and you’ll improve.
You can talk to me.
We can laugh and smile.
Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with Day 12 for the month of July.
Thanks for joining us.
Today let’s practice phrases like 年末、学年、年度
They all have the word, year.
And let’s try these.
何年後、何年前、Let’s speak up, and practice.
And don’t forget. Today will be in almost all English.
「年末」 「年度」など年に関する表現で文を作りましょう。
-Okay. Let’s begin our first time trial.
I’ll say it in Japanese, and you express it in English.
Here is the first one.
How do you say 2年後?
The answer is in two years. Instead of later, or after use in for -後. So 二年後 two years. Now here is the sentence.
2. 母は2年後に50歳になります。
Start with “My mom -.” Go ahead.
Next how do you say 3年前 in English.
three years ago.
Okay, make a sentence.
5. 今はずっと上手に英語を話せます!
Start with “Now I can – .” Go ahead.
Next how do you say 学年 in English..
The answer is school year.
Okay, use school year to say this.
