英会話 time trial23/9/20(水) D13 防災にはどんなことをしていますか?

英会話 time trial23/9/20(水) D13 防災にはどんなことをしていますか?
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Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with Day 13 for the month of September.
Thanks for joining us.
Today we’re practicing phrases about 防災.
And you’ll learn how to say 防災 in English.
For example, how do you say “防災にはどんなことをしていますか?” , and you’ll learn words like 救急用品, 避難所. Can you say that in English?
Also our radio show today will be in almost all English. So are you ready to get started? Let’s go.
I’ll say it in Japanese, and you try to say it in English. Here is the first one.
How do you say 防災 in English? Go ahead.
First 自然災害 is natural disaster.
防災 would be “prepare for natural disasters. Okay, here is the next one.
2. 防災のイベントを行っています。 Go ahead.
All right. Next here is the sentence about poster.
Start with “This poster is -.” Go ahead.
And next, here is the question.
4. 防災にはどんなことをしていますか?
What do you -? Go ahead.
