英会話 time trial23/9/8(金) D5 鉄砲水に警戒!Prepare for Emergencies in Florida

英会話 time trial23/9/8(金) D5 鉄砲水に警戒!Prepare for Emergencies in Florida
Around the world
we’re on the move.
Speak up every week,
and you’ll improve.
You can talk to me.
We can laugh and smile.
Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with Day 5 for the month of September.
Thanks for joining us.
-Across The Globe!
みなさんをナビゲートしてくれるのは、ジェニーさんです。(Jenny will be your guide.)
That’s right. You’ll be having the conversation with me today.
それでは今日の会話の場面を確認しましょう(Now let’s check the scene of today’s conversation)
Imagine this.
You and I are in a rent-a-car. But there’s heavy rain.
レンタカーでフロリダを移動中、 大雨で道路が通行止めになりました
(While driving through Florida in a rental car, the road was closed due to heavy rain.)
Oh, no! The road is closed. So I need some help.
Try to find some information about this emergency situation.
(Let’s gather information and survive the emergency.)
(Now, everyone, please complete the conversation out loud.)
Let’s have a 7-turn conversation.
ジェニーさんの問に毎回答えて下さいね。 Ready? Start.
(Please answer Jenny’s question every time.)

1. Whoa… There’s flooding on the road! Should we drive through the water?
