23/11/9 kota_English – アメリカのマッチングアプリには〇〇〇が潜んでる!!?

23/11/9 kota_English – アメリカのマッチングアプリには〇〇〇が潜んでる!!?

How do you think about meeting with guys through matching app?
I don’t know. I’ve never done my dating app.
Dating app?
Yeah, dating app. Dating app, yeah.
I mean, if I get to that point,
then yeah, I mean, it’s fine.
You have to be careful on that app.
‘cause there’s so many, like,
catfishes and like,
people are trying to be people that they aren’t.
is like, hard to tell
Especially like, their personality
rather than any person.
Yeah, that’s very important, right?
We don’t want them cheating, right?
