(23/12/27)POC-English – English Idioms to say “Stay Calm”

(23/12/27)POC-English – English Idioms to say “Stay Calm”

Oh. The boss is driving me crazy.
I can’t bear it anymore.
Come on, dude. You should keep your shirt on.
My shirt??? It’s on!
No, I mean you need to hold your horses.
My horses? What are you talking about?
Oh. Come on. I mean you should get a grip on yourself.
Whar are you trying to tell me?!
No! I mean you should calm down and control yourself.
Why do you always use these idioms???
Can’t you know, just simple

おいおい。 シャツは着たままでいい
You should keep your shirt on
「シャツを着ていなさい」「シャツは脱ぐな」という意味です。 会話では「そう苛立たないで」「平静を保って」
hold your horses
you should get a grip on yourself
calm down 落ち着く
control oneself 自制する
