kota_English もう肌荒れするともう全てが嫌になるよね泣

kota_English もう肌荒れするともう全てが嫌になるよね泣

You guys care about boy’s rough skin?
So, like, acne or something? ニキビ
I do not, because I had to go on Accutane a while back アキュテイン
and I know how terrible, like skin things can be.
Yeah. I don’t mind it at all.
Not at all.
I mean I try not to judge people,
so I don’t really think so.
I mean I think it’s very good
to take care of your skin, you know.
Bit if it’s not a priority for you. I don’t.
You know. I’m not concerned.
Oh, no.
not really. No.
I mean, of course, like,
take kare of you skin, but, like,
I wouldn’t care either way.
Yeah, doesn’t matter.
I mean, sure, it’d
be sure nice to see that they care about it.
But it’s not the first thing.
It’s like, better if you do.
But there’s only a lot of qualities
that can, like, overcome that, you know.
Like, if you’re very nice and have manners
something like that ghey can overcome that.
I don’t think I care.
at all
I like all kinds.
Doesn’t matter to me.
I just like tall.
Well, I’m 510, so
Well, I’m 510, so if I find them attractve.
I find them attractive.
I don’t know.
Like they range from this.
