23/11/24 BBC Learning English – 5 tips for natural pronunciation!

23/11/24 BBC Learning English – 5 tips for natural pronunciation!

5 ways to to make your pronunciation more natural.
1). Stress content words. (words with main meaning)
In English we stress the content words meaning
reading rhymes helps with rhythm
There was an old woman who swallowed a fly! (ハエを飲み込んだおばあさんがいた)
2). Use weak forms (unstressed grammar words)
Use the weak forms of grammar words when they are not stressed.
I’ll join you at the park for a walk.
3). Link words together
To sound natural you need to link words together.
So a consonant at end of one word joins vowel at start of the next
Can I -?
an orange
Can I have an orange juice?
4). Drop sounds
In natural pronunciation we drop sound and join words together.
Do you -?
going to = gonna
I’m going to get lunch. gonna
Do you want to come? wanna
5). Practise varying your intonation
What are you doing? (interested) 興味深そうに
(bored) 退屈そうに
(angry) 怒って

stress 〔~を〕強調する、重視する
content words 内容語, function word 機能語
swallow 飲み込む
fly ハエ
link (~を〕結び付ける、〔~を〕つなぐ
vowel 母音
consonant 子音
vary ~を変える、変化させる
