kota_English – 途中の女の子の答えが1番好き

kota_English – 途中の女の子の答えが1番好き

Why are you so cool?
Why are we so cool?
I don’t know. You want to take that one?
I don’t think I’m very cool.
Oh, you are cool. So you’re from California?
I’m from Georgia. She’s from California
California girl? And then Georgia boy.
Yeah. Somehow landed there.

cuz we love the beach.
It’s such a bad answer.
Oh, yeah.
Because… confident
Blond hair.
You must be proud of your Blond hari.
No, no.
Don’t say that.
We were born cool.
So nice to everyone.
Be kind.
We don’t blow off our friends for other people.

I don’t even know, man. I don’t have answer for that.
I mean, I was just hanging out.
It’s a beautiful day, so.
Yeah, California people must be cool, right?
Some are, some aren’t.
It just kind of depends.
Like everywhere
You are not cool people?
