23/11/15 英会話仙人トモヤさん-ジョニーデップ&ベネディクトカンバーバッチで英会話を学ぼう

23/11/15 英会話仙人トモヤさん-ジョニーデップ&ベネディクトカンバーバッチで英会話を学ぼう

The first thing that happened was, like,
This is so random.
That his fans decided
that he looked very much like an otter.
Are you aware of this?
I’m sorry?
You would think how can I get
how can I but we’ve shown these boys.
These are, these are,
No, no, no… Otter?
Otter, you know, a creature.
Him like an otter?
Yeah, yeah, he looks like an otter.
Here’s an otter.
And here… He does look like …
Uh, here’s a more expressive otter.
And, see.
And this next one, you will think,
No, how can he look like this?
And here you go.
There he is.
May I say one thing?
Someone has a lot of time on the internet.
Yes, well.
You know what’s annoying them?
They don’t have enough time on their hands.
beause there aren’t really any more out there.
So would you just, uh,
match some pictures of otters?
This is angry otter.
Can you do that?
It’s good.
This is so random.
random 馬鹿げた、デタラメの
Are you aware of this?
aware of 〜を知っている
Here’s an otter.
Here’s -. ここに〜がある
Uh, here’s a more expressive otter.
expressive 表情豊かな
And here you go.
here you go こちらです。
You know what’s annoying them?
annoy 〜を悩ませる、イライラさせる
They don’t have enough time on their hands.
time on one’s hands 自由に使える時間
beause there aren’t really any more out there.
out there 世の中には
match some pictures of otters?
