23/11/13 英会話仙人トモヤさん-息子が実家に帰ったら母親が..

23/11/13 英会話仙人トモヤさん-息子が実家に帰ったら母親が..

You are always stoppeing by unannounced.
So what? You’re my mother.
It’s only common courtesy you should call first.
Alright. I’ll call you next time.
Nope, you’re gonna call this time.
We’re gonna practice.
Get out your phone.
Practice? I don’t need to practice.
Call me.
Mom, I’m talking right here. This is ridiculous.
I’m gonna show you how this goes.
Get out your phone.
Oh my god, you’re f??? losing it, dude.
You are losing it.
You gonna answer?
Oh, shh.. Quiet for just a minute. I hae a call.
Hy, mom.
I was just wondering if i could stop by?
Um… right now is not really a good time.
I’ll give you a call later.
[door shuts close]
Why are you like this?
What the f***!
You are always stoppeing by unannounced.
stop by 立ち寄る、unannounced 事前連絡無しの、突然の
So what? You’re my mother.
So what?  だから何?
It’s only common courtesy you should call first.
common courtesy 礼儀
Alright. I’ll call you next time.
Alright わかった、よし = All right.
Nope, you’re gonna call this time.
Nope, Noのスラング、this time 今日の
Get out your phone.
get out 取り出す
Mom, I’m talking right here. This is ridiculous.
ridiculous 〔考え・発言・行為などが〕ばかげた、ばかばかしい
I’m gonna show you how this goes.
how A goes? Aがどうなるか?
Oh my god, you’re FUCK losing it, dude.
lost it 自制心を失う、切れる dude 驚き感動、怒り等の感情を表現
米俗 やつ、男、野郎、おまえ
I was just wondering if i could stop by?
I was just wondering if i could -? 〜してもいいでしょうか?
What the FUCK?
