kota_English – おれはばあちゃんにタトゥーいれたら家の名前に傷つくって言われたけどな

kota_English – おれはばあちゃんにタトゥーいれたら家の名前に傷つくって言われたけどな

An Olympic National Park in Washington

getting tattoo is not like big deal to you.タトゥーを入れるのって大したことじゃない
It depends. 人によるけど
For my family,
we are kind of like,
all have tattoos and it’s chill, so.
But I think
your family is more
defferent beliefs on that. I don’t know.
I got this in…
after I went backpacking in Olympic National Park in Washington.
So I just kind of got it as like a memory of that trip
when the Seatle and got it.
