kota_English – “イケてるやつ”になるには〇〇しないといけなさそうです

kota_English – “イケてるやつ”になるには〇〇しないといけなさそうです

We are from Japan.
We are looking for someone for a cool.
So I found you guys
Okay, why are you so cool?
Why? What?
Why are you so cool?
I don’t know.
I don’t know.
I guess that’s
kind of what other people decide 他の人が決めること
We just come out here
And we like the beach
I like the ocean and stuff
So, that’s cool to you.
This is just a cool place to be from.
Why are you guys so cool?
The environment.
Why are you so cool?
We are from Denver, Colorade.
So that’s
That’s why we’re so cool.
because we’re from Denver.
And whisky
Well, shyiskey, your age?
I’m 15.
