英会話仙人トモヤさん- 23/10/7-目からウロコ!人生が簡単になる考え方 | 英会話を学ぼう

英会話仙人トモヤさん- 23/10/7-目からウロコ!人生が簡単になる考え方 | 英会話を学ぼう

Are you a lazy piece of sh??
and don’t know how to build discipline
and say productive?
This is waht helped me to build discipline.
For example, going to the Gym.
Going to the gym is hard,
but being ugly is also hard.Just choose your hard.
Working is hard.
Running a business is hard.
But being broke is also hard.
What type of hard do you want to have?
Sexy and rich and fit type of hard?
Or broke, dusty and ugly type of hard?
Because either way, it’s gonna be hard.

Are you a lazy piece of sh??
lazy 怠惰な、怠けている
piece of shit
and don’t know how to build discipline
build 〜を作る
discipline 規律、統制
and say productive?
stay 形容詞 adjective 〜のままである
productive 生産的な
Running a business is hard.
run a business ビジネスを行う、会社を経営する
But being broke is also hard.
broke 無一文の、金欠の
Sexy and rich and fit type of hard?
fit 元気な、健康な、適切な
Or broke, dusty and ugly type of hard?
dusty ほこりまみれの、つまらない
Because either way, it’s gonna be hard.
