英会話仙人トモヤさん- 23/10/11-欲しいものを何でも手に入れる方法 | 英会話を学ぼう

英会話仙人トモヤさん- 23/10/11-欲しいものを何でも手に入れる方法 | 英会話を学ぼう

Dad, can I have some ice cream?
No, buddy, it’s almost time for bed.
[grunts] うなる
Don’t let this happen to you.
I’m gonna teach you
how to get what you want.
from your parents.
Let’s do that again.
Dad, I really missed you today.
Can we share a bowl of ice cream
and talk about our day?
Sure, buddy.
You got to figure out
What’s important to your parents.
For dad, it’s quality time.
And for Mom, it’s something else.
Mam, can I play my video game?
Honey, you already played your video game today.
[grunts] うなる
Let’s do that again.
Mama, can I do that for you
so you can take a nap?
That is so sweet of you!
Yes, thank you, honey.
Thank you. I love you.
And when I’m done,
I’ll quietly play my video game.
just because it works for me,
doesn’t mean it’s gonna work for you.
You goota figure it out yourself.
Got it?
Got it.
Go get ‘em.

Hey Dad,
want to play with fire?
Uh, beginners.

quality time
家族や恋人、大切な友人など、愛する人たちと過ごす特別な時間のこと。 単純に「充実した時間」というよりは、もっと深く濃密な、かけがえのない時間を大切な人とじっくりと向き合って過ごすことを意味します。

Go get ‘em.(敵を)やっつけろ。

play with fire

No, buddy, it’s almost time for bed.
buddy 相棒、親友
it’s time for -, 〜する時間だ
almost もうすぐ、ほぼ
[grunts] うなる
Dad, I really missed you today.
miss 〜が恋しい、〜に会いたい
Can we share a bowl of ice cream
You got to figure out
figure out 発見する、見つけ出す
And for Mom, it’s something else.
something else 何か他のこと
so you can take a nap?
so 〜するために
tale a nap, 昼寝をする、仮眠を取る
That is so sweet of you!
I’ll quietly play my video game.
quietly 静かに、そっと
Got it?
Go get ‘em.
go + 動詞の原形 〜しに行く
go get ‘em 君なら出来る! 応援の言葉
want to play with fire?
play with fire, 火遊びをする、馬鹿げたリスクを取る
