フレンズ英会話 23/11/02- 「フレンズ」で英会話 study English with 178【日英字幕&解説付き】

フレンズ英会話 23/11/02- 「フレンズ」で英会話 study English with 178【日英字幕&解説付き】

Let me ask you a question. Why did you hire me?
Oh, well, Richard raved about the food at his party.
Of course you were sleeping with him.
Then I heard the foot at that lesbian wedding was very nice.
I assume you weren’t sleeping with anyone there.
So at least that would be something.
Oh, my God! Did you hear that?
She hired me because she thinks I’m good.
Okay, I didn’t hear that.
Oh, yeah, she didn’t hire me out of pity.
It wasn’t so she could pick on me in front of her friends.
She actually thinks I’m good.
Wow! And hey, it’s cool if you’re a lesbian!

hire 雇う
rave about -, 絶賛する
assume 憶測する、仮定する
at least 少なくとも
something すごい事。
out of pity 同情して、可哀想に思って
pick on someone 〜をからかう、いじめる
cool 構わない、問題ない

-Today’s key phrase
rave about -, 褒めちぎる
Everyone is raving about the new sushi place downtown.
I watched that movie you raved about, and I absolutely loved it.
