フレンズ英会話 – study English with FRIENDS#175 【日英字幕&解説付き】海外ドラマ「フレンズ」

フレンズ英会話 – study English with FRIENDS#175 【日英字幕&解説付き】海外ドラマ「フレンズ」

“Stunning entertainment center. Fine…
Fine Italian craftsmanship.”
Oh, my God, you guys are selling the entertainment center.?
Why? I love that thing.
You want it?
Oh, no.
Ahh, Gepetto?
5,000 dollars? Are you insane?
Hey, the ad along costs 300 bucks!
All right. Look, I’m changing it to 50 dollars or your best offer.
What kind of profit is that?
And you call yourself an accountant?
Oh. What do you do?
I can’t believe you don’t know what I do for a living.
I actually don’t know…
“Stunning entertainment center. Fine…
stunning 見事な、素晴らしい、気絶するほど[驚くほど]美しい、とても魅力的な
fine 上質な、素晴らしい
Fine Italian craftsmanship.”
craftsmanship 職人技
5,000 dollars? Are you insane?
insane [inséin] 狂った、正気じゃない = crazy
Hey, the ad along costs 300 bucks!
ad 広告 advertisement
bucks = dollars
All right. Look, I’m changing it to 50 dollars or your best offer.
or (your) best offer = Or Best Offer〔【略】OBO) 応交渉、交渉に応じる
What kind of profit is that?
profit 利益
And you call yourself an accountant?
accountant 会計士
Oh. What do you do?
What do you do? 仕事何しているの?
What do you do for a living?
I can’t believe you don’t know what I do for a living.
I actually don’t know…

You call yourself -?
call oneself – 自分の事を〜と名乗る
You call oneself -. おまえ、それでも〜かよ?

You call yourself a chef? This tastes terrible!
あなた、それでもシェフなの? これすごくまずい

He calls himself a gamer., but he doesn’t even know that game.
