英会話仙人トモヤさん- 23/9/18- 私が結婚しない理由 | 英会話を学ぼう |

英会話仙人トモヤさん- 23/9/18- 私が結婚しない理由 | 英会話を学ぼう |

Why are you single?
Yes, I am single because of
lack of capital to start a relationship.
High cost of living.
unhealthy competition from my fellow bachelors.
poor infrastructure.
Pests and diseases.
Getting fear by the other gender.
Attack from the neighboring bachelors.
Shortage of lies.
Lessons from the other relationships.
Sponsors and sugar daddies.
High cost of maintenance.
And unavailability to draw lines.

Why are you single?
single 独身の、恋人がいない
lack of capital to start a relationship.
lack of -, 〜が不足している, capital 資本、資金 , relationship 恋愛関係、人間関係
High cost of living.
cost of living 生活費
unhealthy competition from my fellow bachelors.
fellow やつ、男 bachelor 未婚男性、独り身の男
poor infrastructure.
poor 貧しい、乏しい infrastructure 基礎、経済基盤
Shortage of lies.
shortage of -, 〜の不足
Sponsors and sugar daddies.
sugar daddies 交際や性的関係を目的に若い女性に貢ぐ中年男性
High cost of maintenance.
cost of maintenance 維持費、メンテナンス費用
And unavailability to draw lines.
draw lines ボーダーラインを設ける、境界線を引く、一線を画する
